The four-day political conventions will give both Obama and McCain a chance to re-introduce themselves to the voting public, and to cast their opponent in negative terms. 为期四天的全国代表大会将给予奥巴马和麦凯恩一个机会,让选民了解自己,并且为对手涂抹负面色彩。
Biden said Sunday that he considers Palin, a newcomer on the national political scene, to be a formidable opponent. 拜登参议员星期天说,他认为尽管佩林是全国政治舞台上的新面孔,但却是一个强大的对手。
He praised the prime minister for bringing Russia out of the chaos of the Boris Yeltsin years, taking a dig at his erstwhile political opponent. 相反,他称赞普京带领俄罗斯走出了鲍里斯叶利钦(BorisYeltsin)年代的混乱,借机讽刺了一下昔日的政治对手。
When a political opponent said in2007 that the unmarried lawmaker wasn't qualified to lead the country because she had chosen not to have children, Ms. 2007年,她的一位政治对手说,这位未婚的议员决定不生育子女,因而没有领导国家的资格。
Leonard arguably presents both problems& on one view, a governmental office sent an underling to silence a political opponent before he could make a potentially damaging speech. 列昂纳德一案提出了双方的问题:根据观察,政府办公室在其制造潜在的破坏性言论前派下属压制政治对手。
I am not going to make age an issue in this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. 我不会把年岁作为此次竞选的论点,我不想出于政治目的行使我敌手的年青和缺乏履历。
A broad political stance; generous and broad sympathies; a liberal newspaper; tolerant of his opponent's opinions. 宽大的政治姿态;慷慨、宽大的同情心;一家心胸宽广的报纸;对他的反对者的观点很宽容。
EVA Joly, a former investigating judge and political opponent of the president, said the Bettencourt affair was turning into "sarkogate" because there was a "confusion of state interests with those private interests of a party and a few men". 法国前调查法官、萨科齐的政敌伊娃乔利(evajoly)称,贝当古事件已变成了“萨科奇门”,因为它“混淆了国家利益与政党和少数人的私利”。
He says it is highly unusual for a president to invite a political opponent to join him on the golf links. 他说一个总统邀请政治反对者打高尔夫是很不寻常的。
In terms of political positioning, Mr Hollande is also a tough opponent for Mr Sarkozy, who had privately expected to face Ms Aubry. 在政治布局上,奥朗德先生也是萨科齐强劲的对手。萨科齐私下考虑,更乐意同奥布莱女士展开角逐。
He was assailed by his political opponent. 他遭到政敌的攻击。
Because my political opponent pretends to have discovered a different brand of politics a politics without hard choices, without trade-offs and without unintended consequences. 因为我的政治对手一直试图寻找不同的政治,没有艰难抉择的政治,没有损失的政治,没有灾难的政治。
I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience. 我想让你们知道,我不会在此次竞选中倚老卖老,不会利用对手的年轻和缺乏经验来达到自己的政治目的。
Van Natta says it is highly unusual for a president to invite a political opponent to join him on the course. 凡。纳塔说,总统邀请政治对手一同打高尔夫球,这可是极不寻常的。
In terms of projecting verb, think, know and believe are found to co-occur with ⅰ most frequently. They function as important sources for debater to express political views and refute opponent in political debate. 在投射动词方面,think,know和believe和I共现频率最高,这些动词是辩论者在政治辩论过程中表达政治观点和反驳对方的重要资源。